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Create Ariba account

With a wide variety of suppliers providing both goods and services to us, we understand that each of them belongs to a specific stage in the procurement process. As such, we segment suppliers according to their roles, corresponding to the following stages for clarity and efficiency.

Introduction to Bidders/Suppliers

Provides an overview of the Supplier Onboarding Process in RWS.

RWS Bidders

Suppliers has to be registered as a Bidder (Bidder Self Registration) in order to participate in RWS sourcing events and submit proposals via the Ariba Network.

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RWS Qualified Suppliers

Upon successful bidding, Bidders will go through a process to be registered as a Qualified Supplier. This allows you to transact electronically via Ariba to receive purchase orders, submit e-invoices and more.

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RWS Delivery

For delivery to RWS, please ensure delivery personnel are communicated with these instructions and guidelines prior to delivery to our site.

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