新加坡环球影城水上探险乐园 海豚园 S.E.A. 海洋馆哈利波特:魔法幻境

Code of conduct

Resorts World Sentosa’ Supplier Code of Conduct is developed in accordance with our business values, promoting sustainable development with our partners. We believe that sustainability is a shared responsibility and hope to inspire our suppliers to do the same.

This Code will also apply to our suppliers and their employees, contractors, agents and subsidiaries providing goods or services to Resorts World Sentosa. 


The Supplier shall always be ethical in every aspect of its business. The Supplier shall uphold business integrity, be transparent, respect intellectual property rights, not offer or accept bribes, is encouraged to foster sustainability and always provide Resorts World Sentosa with quality product and services.


The supplier shall adhere to environmental laws and practices. The Supplier shall comply with reporting requirements, prevent pollution and reduce resources, adhere to laws and regulations, use their best effort to ensure responsible packaging, and ensure air emissions, and wastewater and solid management.

Health and safety

The Supplier shall uphold a safe and healthy work environment. The Supplier shall identify and manage hazards, be prepared for emergencies, manage physically demanding work and their workers, provide workers with reasonable and clean working and living conditions, and manage worker’s hygiene.

Labour and human rights

The Supplier shall treat workers with utmost dignity and respect. The Supplier shall not employ and worker younger than local legal minimum age, persons whose presence is voluntary, not threaten or violate their workers, not discriminate, comply with minimum wages, and not require workers to pay The Supplier any recruitment fees.