新加坡环球影城水上探险乐园 海豚园 S.E.A. 海洋馆

水上探险乐园/海豚园/S.E.A. 海洋馆/新加坡环球影城条款与条件*:


  • 不可转让,不予退款,亦不得出售或交换。这适用于以下情况,包括:圣淘沙名胜世界控制范围以外的活动;政府行为、不可抗力、暴动、罢工、自然灾害、雾霾或恶劣天气(无论严重程度为何)。
  • 更改、篡改或污损即视为作废。
  • 只可在园区正常开放时间内使用,不适用于特殊活动期间。
  • 园区的正常开放时间可能会有所变更,恕不另行通知。
  • 圣淘沙名胜世界引入面部识别技术,用于出入管理、个性化游客体验、运营改进、园区安全及安保工作。进入新加坡环球影城和/或购买新加坡环球影城门票,即表示您同意上述举措。
  • 只有同一天重新进入水上探险乐园或 S.E.A. 海洋馆方需要提供手动印戳和门票。
  • 请时刻注意安全并妥善保管好您的随身物品。我们对于您在水上探险乐园、S.E.A. 海洋馆或新加坡环球影城可能遭受的任何损害或损失概不负责,无论这种损害或损失是否由于我们的疏忽或其他原因造成。
  • 这些场所均配备监控系统。
  • 为了给游客、工作人员和海洋动物营造一个安全的环境,圣淘沙名胜世界将对所有个人物品及/或手提包进行检查。
  • 若违反园区公布的游览指南,您可能会因此受到严重伤害或被驱离景点。

请注意,圣淘沙名胜世界(简称“RWS”)可能会出于以下目的遵照 RWS 个人数据保护声明   ( 的规定收集、使用及披露您的个人信息

i.  处理您的预订或付款以及针对其他管理用途;
ii.  通过 RWS 授权的服务提供商为您的预订发送确认通知;


  • 禁止自带食品和饮料。须全程穿着得体。
  • 不可在新加坡环球影城穿着特效服装、满脸涂鸦/彩绘或佩戴面具,除非另有说明。请参阅我们的“特殊活动及着装政策”,以获取更多详情。
  • 穿着特效服装的游客将被禁止进入园区大门,除非另有说明。请参阅我们的“特殊活动及着装政策”,以获取更多详情。
  • 禁止吸烟,指定区域除外。不可使用机动化或轮式移动设备,包括但不仅限于Air Wheels 智能骑行箱、滑板车、直排溜冰鞋、轮滑鞋、思维车、独轮脚踏车、双轮脚踏车、三轮脚踏车、风车以及手推车。
  • 为了儿童的安全起见,请家长务必全程陪同。
  • 禁止在新加坡环球影城的景点内拍照、录像、饮食及吸烟。
  • 除非获得圣淘沙名胜世界的书面批准,否则游客不得出于任何宣传或商业目的对新加坡环球影城进行拍摄。


  • 价格和参与活动的景点可能会有所变更,恕不另行通知。
  • 游客需在景点内妥善保存其优先通行卡。
  • 如果“自行打印的电子票”(纸质)或门票字迹模糊且/或系统无法读取,可前往游客服务柜台寻求帮助。
  • 新加坡环球影城优先通行卡权利不适用于魔法转轮、天幕飞行、寻宝奇兵、神偷奶爸小黄人闹翻天、小虫萌萌转、萌乐漩漩涡、《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》双轨过山车:人类与机械战队第一排以及其他特定景点。
  • 水上探险乐园优先通行卡权利仅适用于彩虹礁游、飞跃极限滑道和喷射滑道。
  • 游客需在购买并兑换探险乐园优先通行卡或环球影城无限优先通行卡后即刻在现场戴上腕带。兑换/购买时,所有探险乐园优先通行卡或环球影城无限优先通行卡的持有人均须到场,以便佩戴腕带。


  • 适用于新加坡环球影城、S.E.A. 海洋馆和水上探险乐园内的任意餐厅(除非礼券上另有说明)。
  • 新加坡环球影城餐饮券不适用于星巴克、Me Want Cookie! 以及地中海风味馆é。
  • 水上探险乐园餐饮券不适用于河畔餐车。
  • 不可用于购买纪念品或酒精饮品。
  • 不可与任何其他促销同时使用。
  • 礼券须在游览新加坡环球影城、S.E.A. 海洋馆或水上探险乐园的当日使用(需单独购买门票方可进入新加坡环球影城、S.E.A. 海洋馆和水上探险乐园)。
  • 只限使用一 (1) 次,且不可替换、兑现及退款。
  • 即使消费金额低于餐饮券价值,亦不予退款或更改。
  • 每次交易的最低消费金额或最高抵用价值需视餐饮券上的说明而定。
  • 只可在园区开放时间内进行兑换,且园区关闭前 30 分钟停止兑换。

购物券 (RV)

  • 适用于新加坡环球影城、S.E.A. 海洋馆和水上探险乐园内的任意零售商店(除非礼券上另有说明)。
  • 不适用于 DEI & DIGI Photo 的产品/服务、Dark Room、嘉年华游戏和 Candylicious 糖果屋。
  • 不可与其他任何促销优惠、折扣及礼券同时使用。
  • 礼券须在游览新加坡环球影城、S.E.A. 海洋馆或水上探险乐园的当日使用(需单独购买门票方可进入新加坡环球影城、S.E.A. 海洋馆和水上探险乐园)。
  • 只限使用一 (1) 次,且不可替换、兑现及退款。
  • 即使消费金额低于餐饮券价值,亦不予退款或更改。
  • 每次交易的最低消费金额或最高抵用价值需视餐饮券上的说明而定。


  • 圣淘沙名胜世界(简称“RWS”)对任何寄存物品的损失或损坏概不负责,无论此等损失或损坏是否由于我们的疏忽或其他原因造成。如果物品三 (3) 天内无人认领,那么圣淘沙名胜世界有权进行处理,且不需承担任何责任。游客需支付寄存费。



  • 水上探险乐园或 S.E.A. 海洋馆一日票(除非另有说明)。
  • 不可携带零散物品进入海豚园。游客可免费使用海豚园的储物柜、潜水服和救生衣,但仅限于互动体验期间。
  • 特定景点设有额外的身高及年龄限制。
  • 游客须穿着合适泳衣在每项体验开始前提早 15 分钟到场。
  • 若在条款与条件规定的时间内提出任何行程调整请求,则将需支付手续费。


Special Events (applicable whenever the Event/Programmes are made available)  

Halloween Horror Nights

  • Standard Terms and Conditions apply.
  • Separate Event ticket required for this Event. Event operating hours are subject to change without prior notice.
  • Event is not recommended for children under the age of 13, adult supervision and discretion are strongly advised.
  • Costumes are allowed in Universal Studios Singapore on Wednesday 30 October 2024, and Thursday 31 October 2024 only. Guests wearing costumes,  on other event days will be turned away at the front gate. Please refer to our Costume Policy for further details.
  • We reserve the right to refuse or expel any Guest whose conduct is objectionable including, but not limited to the following actions:
    • Line jumping, use of foul language and/or inappropriate behavior.
    • Mistreatment and/or abuse of “Scare Actors”.

Costume Policy

Halloween Horror Nights guests may wear costumes to Universal Studios Singapore only on (a) Wednesday, 30 October 2024; and (b) Thursday, 31 October 2024, subject to the following Resorts World Sentosa (“RWS”)’s costume guidelines:

  • Guests must be fully clothed, including shoes and shirts. 
  • Guests may not be admitted to Universal Studios Singapore if costume worn can disrupt public order, incite trouble, is morally offensive or violates public decency laws. 
  • Except as required by RWS, religious or medical reasons, guests shall not wear any covering that fully or partially obscures a person’s face, including costume masks, prosthetic makeup, facial coverings, and face applications. Face painting is permitted only if it covers no more than one-half of the face (applied vertically only). Guests may be requested to modify their make-up or remove any type of facial covering to meet the above standards. 
  • No special or atmospheric effects, including but not limited to lights, balloons, smoke, fog, effects powered by electricity or battery, and sound effects, are permitted.
  • Guests shall not wear costumes or accessories (e.g. uniforms, or props) that may create a false impression or cause confusion that guests are affiliated with Universal Studios Singapore and are part of the Halloween Horror Nights’ experience. This includes but is not limited to any form of impersonation of civil personnel, park team members, entertainers, and attraction themes (e.g scare zones, haunted houses, shows, etc). Guests may be requested to modify their costume or accessories (where possible) or remove their accessories to meet the above standards. If guests are unable to modify their costumes, they may be requested to change their costumes.
  • Costumes, accessories and any items that may pose a danger to other guests and team members are not allowed. This includes but is not limited to veils, long trains, stilts, and oversized costumes. 
  • For the safety of all guests, including yourself, you may be asked to remove loose accessories and/or part(s) of your costume before participating in certain attractions. Also, depending on the type of costume worn, you may not be admitted to certain attractions. 
  • Any item that resembles a weapon or is manufactured in the shape of a weapon (including toys and handmade items) cannot be brought into the park (except merchandise that is sold at Universal Studios Singapore). 
  • Please refrain from dangerous actions and/or behavior that may hinder the operation of shows and attractions or may frighten other guests. 
  • Please refrain from photography or filming that may be bothersome to other guests.
  • Please refrain from wearing make-up that can smudge or rub off on other guests, team members or park facilities.

We reserve the right to refuse any guest who fails to comply with RWS’ Costume Policy.

Any resale of tickets/vouchers is strictly prohibited unless authorized in writing by RWS. RWS reserves the right to invalidate tickets/vouchers in connection with any fraudulent /unauthorized resale transaction, without refund or other compensation. Tickets/vouchers are permitted for one (1) - time usage only. If it is determined by RWS that there are multiple copies/usages of the ticket, usage of the ticket will be denied. In the event of any dispute, a final decision shall be made in our sole and absolute discretion, based on our electronic record. Admissions to the Attractions are subject to the individual Attraction’s rules and regulations. This ticket/voucher is a revocable license and admission to the Attractions/Entitlements may be refused by us, including where we have refunded you for the price paid for the ticket. Insofar as permitted by applicable law, we shall not be responsible or liable for any damage or loss you may incur, whether such damage or loss is caused by our negligence or otherwise. Accordingly, by using this ticket, you agree to release us from all such liability. 
We reserve the right to refuse or expel any person whose conduct is objectionable, and any claims against us shall be litigated only in the Singapore Courts. RWS reserves the right to vary or amend any terms and conditions without prior notice. For avoidance of doubt, “we”, “our”, “us” and “RWS” as used in the foregoing means Resorts World at Sentosa Pte. Ltd.
* RWS reserves the right to amend or add to the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.